Leading from the Inside Out: The Art of Self-Leadership (LD-245) Webinar

Many of today’s apparently successful leaders lead from a personal deficit in self-leadership. They may lead others with vision innovation, while their personal lives are out of control, sometimes resulting in moral failure, a breakdown of family, poor health, or personal financial collapse. As a leader guides an organization with passion and vision, his or her personal life is often left to flounder without vision or discipline. In this course, you will learn how to implement essential principles for emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual self-mastery.

Semester: Summer

Day: Mondays

Time: 6:30 – 8 p.m.

Course Length: 10 weeks

Registration Fee: $20.00

Book(s): Leading from the Inside Out: The Art of Self-Leadership by Samuel D. Rima (Jun 1, 2000).


Christian Vocational Training School
10700 E. Iliff Ave.
Aurora, CO 80014

Note: Class will be conducted online. You will need a computer or tablet with internet access to participate in class.

Step 1: Press the button below to register for the course.

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Step 2: After registering for the course come back to this page and press on the image of the book to order your book from Amazon.

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