Breaking the Spirit of Rebellion: Your Choice to a Better you.

Are you sick and tired of experiencing unnecessary hardships in your life? If so, then this course is for you. This course will help you identify why you have experienced some of your life challenges. Breaking the Spirit of Rebellion attempt to empower people to take personal responsibility and to regain the abundant life that God destined for them while they were being formed in the womb.

  • How to improve your relational, financial, and emotional outcomes.
  • Self-confidence and others will notice the change in you too.
  • Forgiving others reduces your life-stress and makes you a better you
  • And more…

Semester: Fall/Spring

Day: Wednesdays

Time: 6:30-8:00pm

Course Length: 8 weeks

Course Fee: $10

Book(s): Breaking the Spirit of Rebellion: You Deserve a Better You by Ron Burnett. Book can be purchased from Ron Burnett on the first day of class.



Press the green button below, to register for the course.


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